Leave No Stone Unturned: Mine Extra Knowledge for Imbalanced Facial
Expression Recognition
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.19636v1
- Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 15:26:26 GMT
- Title: Leave No Stone Unturned: Mine Extra Knowledge for Imbalanced Facial
Expression Recognition
- Authors: Yuhang Zhang, Yaqi Li, Lixiong Qin, Xuannan Liu, Weihong Deng
- Abstract summary: Facial expression data is characterized by a significant imbalance, with most collected data showing happy or neutral expressions and fewer instances of fear or disgust.
This imbalance poses challenges to facial expression recognition (FER) models, hindering their ability to fully understand various human emotional states.
Existing FER methods typically report overall accuracy on highly imbalanced test sets but exhibit low performance in terms of the mean accuracy across all expression classes.
- Score: 39.08466869516571
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Facial expression data is characterized by a significant imbalance, with most
collected data showing happy or neutral expressions and fewer instances of fear
or disgust. This imbalance poses challenges to facial expression recognition
(FER) models, hindering their ability to fully understand various human
emotional states. Existing FER methods typically report overall accuracy on
highly imbalanced test sets but exhibit low performance in terms of the mean
accuracy across all expression classes. In this paper, our aim is to address
the imbalanced FER problem. Existing methods primarily focus on learning
knowledge of minor classes solely from minor-class samples. However, we propose
a novel approach to extract extra knowledge related to the minor classes from
both major and minor class samples. Our motivation stems from the belief that
FER resembles a distribution learning task, wherein a sample may contain
information about multiple classes. For instance, a sample from the major class
surprise might also contain useful features of the minor class fear. Inspired
by that, we propose a novel method that leverages re-balanced attention maps to
regularize the model, enabling it to extract transformation invariant
information about the minor classes from all training samples. Additionally, we
introduce re-balanced smooth labels to regulate the cross-entropy loss, guiding
the model to pay more attention to the minor classes by utilizing the extra
information regarding the label distribution of the imbalanced training data.
Extensive experiments on different datasets and backbones show that the two
proposed modules work together to regularize the model and achieve
state-of-the-art performance under the imbalanced FER task. Code is available
at https://github.com/zyh-uaiaaaa.
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