Fixed-Budget Best-Arm Identification in Sparse Linear Bandits
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- Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 12:32:17 GMT
- Title: Fixed-Budget Best-Arm Identification in Sparse Linear Bandits
- Authors: Recep Can Yavas, Vincent Y. F. Tan
- Abstract summary: We study the best-arm identification problem in sparse linear bandits under the fixed-budget setting.
We design a two-phase algorithm, Lasso and Optimal-Design- (Lasso-OD) based linear best-arm identification.
We show that Lasso-OD is almost minimax optimal in the exponent.
- Score: 69.6194614504832
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- Abstract: We study the best-arm identification problem in sparse linear bandits under
the fixed-budget setting. In sparse linear bandits, the unknown feature vector
$\theta^*$ may be of large dimension $d$, but only a few, say $s \ll d$ of
these features have non-zero values. We design a two-phase algorithm, Lasso and
Optimal-Design- (Lasso-OD) based linear best-arm identification. The first
phase of Lasso-OD leverages the sparsity of the feature vector by applying the
thresholded Lasso introduced by Zhou (2009), which estimates the support of
$\theta^*$ correctly with high probability using rewards from the selected arms
and a judicious choice of the design matrix. The second phase of Lasso-OD
applies the OD-LinBAI algorithm by Yang and Tan (2022) on that estimated
support. We derive a non-asymptotic upper bound on the error probability of
Lasso-OD by carefully choosing hyperparameters (such as Lasso's regularization
parameter) and balancing the error probabilities of both phases. For fixed
sparsity $s$ and budget $T$, the exponent in the error probability of Lasso-OD
depends on $s$ but not on the dimension $d$, yielding a significant performance
improvement for sparse and high-dimensional linear bandits. Furthermore, we
show that Lasso-OD is almost minimax optimal in the exponent. Finally, we
provide numerical examples to demonstrate the significant performance
improvement over the existing algorithms for non-sparse linear bandits such as
OD-LinBAI, BayesGap, Peace, LinearExploration, and GSE.
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