Optimizing Distributed Training on Frontier for Large Language Models
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.12705v2
- Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:06:04 GMT
- Title: Optimizing Distributed Training on Frontier for Large Language Models
- Authors: Sajal Dash, Isaac Lyngaas, Junqi Yin, Xiao Wang, Romain Egele, Guojing
Cong, Feiyi Wang, Prasanna Balaprakash
- Abstract summary: Training large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters poses significant challenges and requires considerable computational resources.
This research explores efficient distributed training strategies to extract this computation from Frontier, the world's first exascale supercomputer.
- Score: 7.251642875697334
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success as
foundational models, benefiting various downstream applications through
fine-tuning. Recent studies on loss scaling have demonstrated the superior
performance of larger LLMs compared to their smaller counterparts.
Nevertheless, training LLMs with billions of parameters poses significant
challenges and requires considerable computational resources. For example,
training a one trillion parameter GPT-style model on 20 trillion tokens
requires a staggering 120 million exaflops of computation. This research
explores efficient distributed training strategies to extract this computation
from Frontier, the world's first exascale supercomputer dedicated to open
science. We enable and investigate various model and data parallel training
techniques, such as tensor parallelism, pipeline parallelism, and sharded data
parallelism, to facilitate training a trillion-parameter model on Frontier. We
empirically assess these techniques and their associated parameters to
determine their impact on memory footprint, communication latency, and GPU's
computational efficiency. We analyze the complex interplay among these
techniques and find a strategy to combine them to achieve high throughput
through hyperparameter tuning. We have identified efficient strategies for
training large LLMs of varying sizes through empirical analysis and
hyperparameter tuning. For 22 Billion, 175 Billion, and 1 Trillion parameters,
we achieved GPU throughputs of $38.38\%$, $36.14\%$, and $31.96\%$,
respectively. For the training of the 175 Billion parameter model and the 1
Trillion parameter model, we achieved $100\%$ weak scaling efficiency on 1024
and 3072 MI250X GPUs, respectively. We also achieved strong scaling
efficiencies of $89\%$ and $87\%$ for these two models.
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