Q-SENN: Quantized Self-Explaining Neural Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.13839v2
- Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 11:18:30 GMT
- Title: Q-SENN: Quantized Self-Explaining Neural Networks
- Authors: Thomas Norrenbrock, Marco Rudolph, Bodo Rosenhahn
- Abstract summary: Self-Explaining Neural Networks (SENN) extract interpretable concepts with fidelity, diversity, and grounding to combine them linearly for decision-making.
We propose the Quantized-Self-Explaining Neural Network Q-SENN.
Q-SENN satisfies or exceeds the desiderata of SENN while being applicable to more complex datasets.
- Score: 24.305850756291246
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Explanations in Computer Vision are often desired, but most Deep Neural
Networks can only provide saliency maps with questionable faithfulness.
Self-Explaining Neural Networks (SENN) extract interpretable concepts with
fidelity, diversity, and grounding to combine them linearly for
decision-making. While they can explain what was recognized, initial
realizations lack accuracy and general applicability. We propose the
Quantized-Self-Explaining Neural Network Q-SENN. Q-SENN satisfies or exceeds
the desiderata of SENN while being applicable to more complex datasets and
maintaining most or all of the accuracy of an uninterpretable baseline model,
out-performing previous work in all considered metrics. Q-SENN describes the
relationship between every class and feature as either positive, negative or
neutral instead of an arbitrary number of possible relations, enforcing more
binary human-friendly features. Since every class is assigned just 5
interpretable features on average, Q-SENN shows convincing local and global
interpretability. Additionally, we propose a feature alignment method, capable
of aligning learned features with human language-based concepts without
additional supervision. Thus, what is learned can be more easily verbalized.
The code is published: https://github.com/ThomasNorr/Q-SENN
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