Phases of 2d massless QCD with qubit regularization
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- Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 18:41:39 GMT
- Title: Phases of 2d massless QCD with qubit regularization
- Authors: Hanqing Liu, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Shailesh Chandrasekharan and Rajan
- Abstract summary: continuum theory is described by N free fermions in the ultraviolet (UV) and a coset Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model in the infrared (IR)
- Score: 3.3963028001679065
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- Abstract: We investigate the possibility of reproducing the continuum physics of 2d
SU(N) gauge theory coupled to a single flavor of massless Dirac fermions using
qubit regularization. The continuum theory is described by N free fermions in
the ultraviolet (UV) and a coset Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model in the infrared
(IR). In this work, we explore how well these features can be reproduced using
the Kogut-Susskind Hamiltonian with a finite-dimensional link Hilbert space and
a generalized Hubbard coupling. Using strong coupling expansions, we show that
our model exhibits a gapped dimer phase and another phase described by a
spin-chain. Furthermore, for N=2, using tensor network methods, we show that
there is a second-order phase transition between these two phases. The critical
theory at the transition can be understood as an SU(2)_1 WZW model, using which
we determine the phase diagram of our model quantitatively. Using the
confinement properties of the model we argue how the UV physics of free
fermions could also emerge, but may require further modifications to our model.
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