HITSnDIFFs: From Truth Discovery to Ability Discovery by Recovering
Matrices with the Consecutive Ones Property
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.00013v1
- Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:47:17 GMT
- Title: HITSnDIFFs: From Truth Discovery to Ability Discovery by Recovering
Matrices with the Consecutive Ones Property
- Authors: Zixuan Chen, Subhodeep Mitra, R Ravi, Wolfgang Gatterbauer
- Abstract summary: We analyze a general problem in a crowd-sourced setting where one user asks a question (also called item) and other users return answers (also called labels) for this question.
We call this problem "ability discovery" to emphasize the connection to and duality with the more well-studied problem of "truth discovery"
Our experiments show that our novel variant of HITS produces user rankings with robustly high accuracy compared to state-of-the-art truth discovery methods.
- Score: 11.332742187228524
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We analyze a general problem in a crowd-sourced setting where one user asks a
question (also called item) and other users return answers (also called labels)
for this question. Different from existing crowd sourcing work which focuses on
finding the most appropriate label for the question (the "truth"), our problem
is to determine a ranking of the users based on their ability to answer
questions. We call this problem "ability discovery" to emphasize the connection
to and duality with the more well-studied problem of "truth discovery".
To model items and their labels in a principled way, we draw upon Item
Response Theory (IRT) which is the widely accepted theory behind standardized
tests such as SAT and GRE. We start from an idealized setting where the
relative performance of users is consistent across items and better users
choose better fitting labels for each item. We posit that a principled
algorithmic solution to our more general problem should solve this ideal
setting correctly and observe that the response matrices in this setting obey
the Consecutive Ones Property (C1P). While C1P is well understood
algorithmically with various discrete algorithms, we devise a novel variant of
the HITS algorithm which we call "HITSNDIFFS" (or HND), and prove that it can
recover the ideal C1P-permutation in case it exists. Unlike fast combinatorial
algorithms for finding the consecutive ones permutation (if it exists), HND
also returns an ordering when such a permutation does not exist. Thus it
provides a principled heuristic for our problem that is guaranteed to return
the correct answer in the ideal setting. Our experiments show that HND produces
user rankings with robustly high accuracy compared to state-of-the-art truth
discovery methods. We also show that our novel variant of HITS scales better in
the number of users than ABH, the only prior spectral C1P reconstruction
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