論文の概要: Hierarchical Fashion Design with Multi-stage Diffusion Models
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.07450v2
- Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 13:55:56 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-01-19 13:28:51.272883
- Title: Hierarchical Fashion Design with Multi-stage Diffusion Models
- Title(参考訳): 多段拡散モデルを用いた階層型ファッションデザイン
- Authors: Zhifeng Xie, Hao li, Huiming Ding, Mengtian Li, Ying Cao
- Abstract要約: クロスモーダルなファッション合成と編集は、ファッションデザイナーにインテリジェントなサポートを提供する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 17.848891542772446
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Cross-modal fashion synthesis and editing offer intelligent support to
fashion designers by enabling the automatic generation and local modification
of design drafts.While current diffusion models demonstrate commendable
stability and controllability in image synthesis,they still face significant
challenges in generating fashion design from abstract design elements and
fine-grained editing.Abstract sensory expressions, \eg office, business, and
party, form the high-level design concepts, while measurable aspects like
sleeve length, collar type, and pant length are considered the low-level
attributes of clothing.Controlling and editing fashion images using lengthy
text descriptions poses a difficulty.In this paper, we propose HieraFashDiff,a
novel fashion design method using the shared multi-stage diffusion model
encompassing high-level design concepts and low-level clothing attributes in a
hierarchical structure.Specifically, we categorized the input text into
different levels and fed them in different time step to the diffusion model
according to the criteria of professional clothing designers.HieraFashDiff
allows designers to add low-level attributes after high-level prompts for
interactive editing incrementally.In addition, we design a differentiable loss
function in the sampling process with a mask to keep non-edit
areas.Comprehensive experiments performed on our newly conducted Hierarchical
fashion dataset,demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms other
state-of-the-art competitors.
- Abstract(参考訳): Cross-modal fashion synthesis and editing offer intelligent support to fashion designers by enabling the automatic generation and local modification of design drafts.While current diffusion models demonstrate commendable stability and controllability in image synthesis,they still face significant challenges in generating fashion design from abstract design elements and fine-grained editing.Abstract sensory expressions, \eg office, business, and party, form the high-level design concepts, while measurable aspects like sleeve length, collar type, and pant length are considered the low-level attributes of clothing.Controlling and editing fashion images using lengthy text descriptions poses a difficulty.In this paper, we propose HieraFashDiff,a novel fashion design method using the shared multi-stage diffusion model encompassing high-level design concepts and low-level clothing attributes in a hierarchical structure.Specifically, we categorized the input text into different levels and fed them in different time step to the diffusion model according to the criteria of professional clothing designers.HieraFashDiff allows designers to add low-level attributes after high-level prompts for interactive editing incrementally.In addition, we design a differentiable loss function in the sampling process with a mask to keep non-edit areas.Comprehensive experiments performed on our newly conducted Hierarchical fashion dataset,demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art competitors.
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