An operator learning perspective on parameter-to-observable maps
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- Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 17:20:07 GMT
- Title: An operator learning perspective on parameter-to-observable maps
- Authors: Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Nicholas H. Nelsen, Margaret Trautner,
- Abstract summary: This paper introduces the Fourier Neural Mappings framework that is able to accommodate finite-dimensional vector inputs or outputs.
A natural question is whether it is more data-efficient to learn the parameter-to-observable (PtO) map end-to-end or first learn the solution operator and subsequently compute the observable from the full-field solution.
- Score: 0.716879432974126
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- Abstract: Computationally efficient surrogates for parametrized physical models play a crucial role in science and engineering. Operator learning provides data-driven surrogates that map between function spaces. However, instead of full-field measurements, often the available data are only finite-dimensional parametrizations of model inputs or finite observables of model outputs. Building on Fourier Neural Operators, this paper introduces the Fourier Neural Mappings (FNMs) framework that is able to accommodate such finite-dimensional vector inputs or outputs. The paper develops universal approximation theorems for the method. Moreover, in many applications the underlying parameter-to-observable (PtO) map is defined implicitly through an infinite-dimensional operator, such as the solution operator of a partial differential equation. A natural question is whether it is more data-efficient to learn the PtO map end-to-end or first learn the solution operator and subsequently compute the observable from the full-field solution. A theoretical analysis of Bayesian nonparametric regression of linear functionals, which is of independent interest, suggests that the end-to-end approach can actually have worse sample complexity. Extending beyond the theory, numerical results for the FNM approximation of three nonlinear PtO maps demonstrate the benefits of the operator learning perspective that this paper adopts.
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