Hybrid acousto-optical swing-up preparation of exciton and biexciton
states in a quantum dot
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.07887v1
- Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 18:50:41 GMT
- Title: Hybrid acousto-optical swing-up preparation of exciton and biexciton
states in a quantum dot
- Authors: Mateusz Kuniej, Micha{\l} Gawe{\l}czyk, Pawe{\l} Machnikowski
- Abstract summary: We show that using acoustic modulation allows selectively exciting either exciton or biexciton states with just one mode of vibration and one optical pulse or vice versa.
This approach may pave the way for generating entanglement between an emitter and a quantum acoustic mode when using the acoustic mode as a trigger for the transitions.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Recent years brought the idea of hybrid systems, in which quantum degrees of
freedom, due to controlled couplings, allow the transfer of quantum information
and may lead to the emergence of new generation devices. Due to the universal
coupling with all solid-state systems and compatibility with miniaturization,
acoustic fields will play an important role in interfacing such components.
Optically active quantum dots (QDs) are at the forefront of systems for
applications in quantum technologies and their multiple available interfaces
make them a great component of hybrid systems. QDs generate
polarization-entangled photon pairs, however deterministic and high-fidelity
preparation of the state is needed. All resonant schemes need filtering to
distinguish emitted photons from the excitation pulse, which limits the photon
yield significantly. Thus, non-resonant excitation methods are needed like the
recently proposed and successful swing-up scheme. Here, we propose a hybrid
acousto-optical version of this non-resonant scheme to prepare exciton and
biexciton states. We show that using acoustic modulation allows selectively
exciting either exciton or biexciton states with just one mode of vibration and
one optical pulse or vice versa: acoustic pulse during detuned optical driving.
Thus, either of the fields can act as a trigger controlling the evolution.
Further, we evaluate the impact of phonon decoherence at finite temperatures
for two types of application-relevant QDs, InAs/GaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs, and find
that for GaAs QDs exciton preparation can be almost decoherence-free even at
liquid nitrogen temperatures already with currently available acoustic
modulation frequencies. This approach may pave the way for generating
entanglement between an emitter and a quantum acoustic mode when using the
acoustic mode as a trigger for the transitions.
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