The Cost of Parallelizing Boosting
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- Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 07:03:52 GMT
- Title: The Cost of Parallelizing Boosting
- Authors: Xin Lyu, Hongxun Wu, Junzhao Yang
- Abstract summary: We study the cost of parallelizing weak-to-strong boosting algorithms for learning.
We show that even "slight" parallelization of boosting requires an exponential blow-up in the complexity of training.
- Score: 1.9235143628887907
- License:
- Abstract: We study the cost of parallelizing weak-to-strong boosting algorithms for
learning, following the recent work of Karbasi and Larsen. Our main results are
- First, we prove a tight lower bound, showing that even "slight"
parallelization of boosting requires an exponential blow-up in the complexity
of training.
Specifically, let $\gamma$ be the weak learner's advantage over random
guessing. The famous \textsc{AdaBoost} algorithm produces an accurate
hypothesis by interacting with the weak learner for $\tilde{O}(1 / \gamma^2)$
rounds where each round runs in polynomial time.
Karbasi and Larsen showed that "significant" parallelization must incur
exponential blow-up: Any boosting algorithm either interacts with the weak
learner for $\Omega(1 / \gamma)$ rounds or incurs an $\exp(d / \gamma)$ blow-up
in the complexity of training, where $d$ is the VC dimension of the hypothesis
class. We close the gap by showing that any boosting algorithm either has
$\Omega(1 / \gamma^2)$ rounds of interaction or incurs a smaller exponential
blow-up of $\exp(d)$.
-Complementing our lower bound, we show that there exists a boosting
algorithm using $\tilde{O}(1/(t \gamma^2))$ rounds, and only suffer a blow-up
of $\exp(d \cdot t^2)$.
Plugging in $t = \omega(1)$, this shows that the smaller blow-up in our lower
bound is tight. More interestingly, this provides the first trade-off between
the parallelism and the total work required for boosting.
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