論文の概要: DART: Depth-Enhanced Accurate and Real-Time Background Matting
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.15820v1
- Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 14:10:17 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-02-27 16:55:06.236435
- Title: DART: Depth-Enhanced Accurate and Real-Time Background Matting
- Title(参考訳): DART: 深度向上した精度とリアルタイムバックグラウンドマッチング
- Authors: Hanxi Li, Guofeng Li, Bo Li, Lin Wu and Yan Cheng
- Abstract要約: 静的な背景を持つマッティングは、しばしばバックグラウンド・マッティング(BGM)と呼ばれ、コンピュータビジョンコミュニティ内で大きな注目を集めている。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 11.78381754863757
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Matting with a static background, often referred to as ``Background Matting"
(BGM), has garnered significant attention within the computer vision community
due to its pivotal role in various practical applications like webcasting and
photo editing. Nevertheless, achieving highly accurate background matting
remains a formidable challenge, primarily owing to the limitations inherent in
conventional RGB images. These limitations manifest in the form of
susceptibility to varying lighting conditions and unforeseen shadows.
In this paper, we leverage the rich depth information provided by the
RGB-Depth (RGB-D) cameras to enhance background matting performance in
real-time, dubbed DART. Firstly, we adapt the original RGB-based BGM algorithm
to incorporate depth information. The resulting model's output undergoes
refinement through Bayesian inference, incorporating a background depth prior.
The posterior prediction is then translated into a "trimap," which is
subsequently fed into a state-of-the-art matting algorithm to generate more
precise alpha mattes. To ensure real-time matting capabilities, a critical
requirement for many real-world applications, we distill the backbone of our
model from a larger and more versatile BGM network. Our experiments demonstrate
the superior performance of the proposed method. Moreover, thanks to the
distillation operation, our method achieves a remarkable processing speed of 33
frames per second (fps) on a mid-range edge-computing device. This high
efficiency underscores DART's immense potential for deployment in mobile
- Abstract(参考訳): Matting with a static background, often referred to as ``Background Matting" (BGM), has garnered significant attention within the computer vision community due to its pivotal role in various practical applications like webcasting and photo editing. Nevertheless, achieving highly accurate background matting remains a formidable challenge, primarily owing to the limitations inherent in conventional RGB images. These limitations manifest in the form of susceptibility to varying lighting conditions and unforeseen shadows. In this paper, we leverage the rich depth information provided by the RGB-Depth (RGB-D) cameras to enhance background matting performance in real-time, dubbed DART. Firstly, we adapt the original RGB-based BGM algorithm to incorporate depth information. The resulting model's output undergoes refinement through Bayesian inference, incorporating a background depth prior. The posterior prediction is then translated into a "trimap," which is subsequently fed into a state-of-the-art matting algorithm to generate more precise alpha mattes.
また, 蒸留操作により, 中距離エッジコンピューティング装置において, 毎秒33フレーム(fps)の顕著な処理速度を達成する。
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このモデルは、現在の最も軽量なモデルよりも55.5%軽く、32 FPSのリアルタイム速度で384倍の384ドルの画像を処理している。
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