Efficient learning of quantum states prepared with few fermionic non-Gaussian gates
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.18665v3
- Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 11:14:30 GMT
- Title: Efficient learning of quantum states prepared with few fermionic non-Gaussian gates
- Authors: Antonio Anna Mele, Yaroslav Herasymenko,
- Abstract summary: We present an efficient algorithm for learning states on $n$ fermion modes prepared by any number of Gaussian gates.
Our work sheds light on the structure of states prepared with few non-Gaussian gates and offers an improved upper bound on their circuit complexity.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: The experimental realization of increasingly complex quantum states underscores the pressing need for new methods of state learning and verification. In one such framework, quantum state tomography, the aim is to learn the full quantum state from data obtained by measurements. Without prior assumptions on the state, this task is prohibitively hard. Here, we present an efficient algorithm for learning states on $n$ fermion modes prepared by any number of Gaussian and at most $t$ non-Gaussian gates. By Jordan-Wigner mapping, this also includes $n$-qubit states prepared by nearest-neighbour matchgate circuits with at most $t$ SWAP-gates. Our algorithm is based exclusively on single-copy measurements and produces a classical representation of a state, guaranteed to be close in trace distance to the target state. The sample and time complexity of our algorithm is $\mathrm{poly}(n,2^t)$; thus if $t=O(\log(n))$, it is efficient. We also show that, if $t$ scales slightly more than logarithmically, any learning algorithm to solve the same task must be inefficient, under common cryptographic assumptions. We also provide an efficient property testing algorithm that, given access to copies of a state, determines whether such a state is far or close to the set of states for which our learning algorithm works. In addition to the outputs of quantum circuits, our tomography algorithm is efficient for some physical target states, such as those arising in time dynamics and low-energy physics of impurity models. Beyond tomography, our work sheds light on the structure of states prepared with few non-Gaussian gates and offers an improved upper bound on their circuit complexity, enabling an efficient circuit compilation method.
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