Comparisons Are All You Need for Optimizing Smooth Functions
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- Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 05:39:46 GMT
- Title: Comparisons Are All You Need for Optimizing Smooth Functions
- Authors: Chenyi Zhang, Tongyang Li,
- Abstract summary: We show that emphcomparisons are all you need for optimizing smooth functions using derivative-free methods.
In addition, we also give an algorithm for escaping saddle points and reaching an $epsilon$second stationary point.
- Score: 12.097567715078252
- License:
- Abstract: When optimizing machine learning models, there are various scenarios where gradient computations are challenging or even infeasible. Furthermore, in reinforcement learning (RL), preference-based RL that only compares between options has wide applications, including reinforcement learning with human feedback in large language models. In this paper, we systematically study optimization of a smooth function $f\colon\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ only assuming an oracle that compares function values at two points and tells which is larger. When $f$ is convex, we give two algorithms using $\tilde{O}(n/\epsilon)$ and $\tilde{O}(n^{2})$ comparison queries to find an $\epsilon$-optimal solution, respectively. When $f$ is nonconvex, our algorithm uses $\tilde{O}(n/\epsilon^2)$ comparison queries to find an $\epsilon$-approximate stationary point. All these results match the best-known zeroth-order algorithms with function evaluation queries in $n$ dependence, thus suggest that \emph{comparisons are all you need for optimizing smooth functions using derivative-free methods}. In addition, we also give an algorithm for escaping saddle points and reaching an $\epsilon$-second order stationary point of a nonconvex $f$, using $\tilde{O}(n^{1.5}/\epsilon^{2.5})$ comparison queries.
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