Efficient Certificates of Anti-Concentration Beyond Gaussians
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15084v2
- Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 16:13:21 GMT
- Title: Efficient Certificates of Anti-Concentration Beyond Gaussians
- Authors: Ainesh Bakshi, Pravesh Kothari, Goutham Rajendran, Madhur Tulsiani, Aravindan Vijayaraghavan,
- Abstract summary: This work presents a new (and arguably the most natural) formulation for anti-concentration.
We give quasi-polynomial time verifiable sum-of-squares certificates of anti-concentration that hold for a wide class of non-Gaussian distributions.
Our approach constructs a canonical integer program for anti-concentration and analysis a sum-of-squares relaxation of it, independent of the intended application.
- Score: 15.709968227246453
- License:
- Abstract: A set of high dimensional points $X=\{x_1, x_2,\ldots, x_n\} \subset R^d$ in isotropic position is said to be $\delta$-anti concentrated if for every direction $v$, the fraction of points in $X$ satisfying $|\langle x_i,v \rangle |\leq \delta$ is at most $O(\delta)$. Motivated by applications to list-decodable learning and clustering, recent works have considered the problem of constructing efficient certificates of anti-concentration in the average case, when the set of points $X$ corresponds to samples from a Gaussian distribution. Their certificates played a crucial role in several subsequent works in algorithmic robust statistics on list-decodable learning and settling the robust learnability of arbitrary Gaussian mixtures, yet remain limited to rotationally invariant distributions. This work presents a new (and arguably the most natural) formulation for anti-concentration. Using this formulation, we give quasi-polynomial time verifiable sum-of-squares certificates of anti-concentration that hold for a wide class of non-Gaussian distributions including anti-concentrated bounded product distributions and uniform distributions over $L_p$ balls (and their affine transformations). Consequently, our method upgrades and extends results in algorithmic robust statistics e.g., list-decodable learning and clustering, to such distributions. Our approach constructs a canonical integer program for anti-concentration and analysis a sum-of-squares relaxation of it, independent of the intended application. We rely on duality and analyze a pseudo-expectation on large subsets of the input points that take a small value in some direction. Our analysis uses the method of polynomial reweightings to reduce the problem to analyzing only analytically dense or sparse directions.
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