Riemannian Bilevel Optimization
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15816v1
- Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 20:49:01 GMT
- Title: Riemannian Bilevel Optimization
- Authors: Sanchayan Dutta, Xiang Cheng, Suvrit Sra,
- Abstract summary: We focus in particular on batch and gradient-based methods, with the explicit goal of avoiding second-order information.
We propose and analyze $mathrmRF2SA$, a method that leverages first-order gradient information.
We provide explicit convergence rates for reaching $epsilon$-stationary points under various setups.
- Score: 35.42472057648458
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We develop new algorithms for Riemannian bilevel optimization. We focus in particular on batch and stochastic gradient-based methods, with the explicit goal of avoiding second-order information such as Riemannian hyper-gradients. We propose and analyze $\mathrm{RF^2SA}$, a method that leverages first-order gradient information to navigate the complex geometry of Riemannian manifolds efficiently. Notably, $\mathrm{RF^2SA}$ is a single-loop algorithm, and thus easier to implement and use. Under various setups, including stochastic optimization, we provide explicit convergence rates for reaching $\epsilon$-stationary points. We also address the challenge of optimizing over Riemannian manifolds with constraints by adjusting the multiplier in the Lagrangian, ensuring convergence to the desired solution without requiring access to second-order derivatives.
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