SF-DQN: Provable Knowledge Transfer using Successor Feature for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15920v2
- Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 22:49:54 GMT
- Title: SF-DQN: Provable Knowledge Transfer using Successor Feature for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Authors: Shuai Zhang, Heshan Devaka Fernando, Miao Liu, Keerthiram Murugesan, Songtao Lu, Pin-Yu Chen, Tianyi Chen, Meng Wang,
- Abstract summary: This paper studies the transfer reinforcement learning (RL) problem where multiple RL problems have different reward functions but share the same underlying transition dynamics.
In this setting, the Q-function of each RL problem (task) can be decomposed into a successor feature (SF) and a reward mapping.
We establish the first convergence analysis with provable generalization guarantees for SF-DQN with GPI.
- Score: 89.04776523010409
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: This paper studies the transfer reinforcement learning (RL) problem where multiple RL problems have different reward functions but share the same underlying transition dynamics. In this setting, the Q-function of each RL problem (task) can be decomposed into a successor feature (SF) and a reward mapping: the former characterizes the transition dynamics, and the latter characterizes the task-specific reward function. This Q-function decomposition, coupled with a policy improvement operator known as generalized policy improvement (GPI), reduces the sample complexity of finding the optimal Q-function, and thus the SF \& GPI framework exhibits promising empirical performance compared to traditional RL methods like Q-learning. However, its theoretical foundations remain largely unestablished, especially when learning the successor features using deep neural networks (SF-DQN). This paper studies the provable knowledge transfer using SFs-DQN in transfer RL problems. We establish the first convergence analysis with provable generalization guarantees for SF-DQN with GPI. The theory reveals that SF-DQN with GPI outperforms conventional RL approaches, such as deep Q-network, in terms of both faster convergence rate and better generalization. Numerical experiments on real and synthetic RL tasks support the superior performance of SF-DQN \& GPI, aligning with our theoretical findings.
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