Revisiting Step-Size Assumptions in Stochastic Approximation
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- Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 14:05:52 GMT
- Title: Revisiting Step-Size Assumptions in Stochastic Approximation
- Authors: Caio Kalil Lauand, Sean Meyn,
- Abstract summary: The paper revisits step-size selection in a general Markovian setting.
A major conclusion is that the choice of $rho =0$ or even $rho1/2$ is justified only in select settings.
- Score: 1.3654846342364308
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- Abstract: Many machine learning and optimization algorithms are built upon the framework of stochastic approximation (SA), for which the selection of step-size (or learning rate) is essential for success. For the sake of clarity, this paper focuses on the special case $\alpha_n = \alpha_0 n^{-\rho}$ at iteration $n$, with $\rho \in [0,1]$ and $\alpha_0>0$ design parameters. It is most common in practice to take $\rho=0$ (constant step-size), while in more theoretically oriented papers a vanishing step-size is preferred. In particular, with $\rho \in (1/2, 1)$ it is known that on applying the averaging technique of Polyak and Ruppert, the mean-squared error (MSE) converges at the optimal rate of $O(1/n)$ and the covariance in the central limit theorem (CLT) is minimal in a precise sense. The paper revisits step-size selection in a general Markovian setting. Under readily verifiable assumptions, the following conclusions are obtained provided $0<\rho<1$: $\bullet$ Parameter estimates converge with probability one, and also in $L_p$ for any $p\ge 1$. $\bullet$ The MSE may converge very slowly for small $\rho$, of order $O(\alpha_n^2)$ even with averaging. $\bullet$ For linear stochastic approximation the source of slow convergence is identified: for any $\rho\in (0,1)$, averaging results in estimates for which the error $\textit{covariance}$ vanishes at the optimal rate, and moreover the CLT covariance is optimal in the sense of Polyak and Ruppert. However, necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained under which the $\textit{bias}$ converges to zero at rate $O(\alpha_n)$. This is the first paper to obtain such strong conclusions while allowing for $\rho \le 1/2$. A major conclusion is that the choice of $\rho =0$ or even $\rho<1/2$ is justified only in select settings -- In general, bias may preclude fast convergence.
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