SOREL: A Stochastic Algorithm for Spectral Risks Minimization
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- Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 18:20:53 GMT
- Title: SOREL: A Stochastic Algorithm for Spectral Risks Minimization
- Authors: Yuze Ge, Rujun Jiang,
- Abstract summary: spectral risk has wide applications in machine learning, especially in real-world decision-making.
By assigning different weights to the losses of different sample points, it allows the model's performance to lie between the average performance and the worst-case performance.
We propose SOREL, the first gradient-based algorithm with convergence guarantees for the spectral risk minimization.
- Score: 1.6574413179773761
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- Abstract: The spectral risk has wide applications in machine learning, especially in real-world decision-making, where people are not only concerned with models' average performance. By assigning different weights to the losses of different sample points, rather than the same weights as in the empirical risk, it allows the model's performance to lie between the average performance and the worst-case performance. In this paper, we propose SOREL, the first stochastic gradient-based algorithm with convergence guarantees for the spectral risk minimization. Previous algorithms often consider adding a strongly concave function to smooth the spectral risk, thus lacking convergence guarantees for the original spectral risk. We theoretically prove that our algorithm achieves a near-optimal rate of $\widetilde{O}(1/\sqrt{\epsilon})$ in terms of $\epsilon$. Experiments on real datasets show that our algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in most cases, both in terms of runtime and sample complexity.
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