Chiral cat state generation via the Sagnac-Fizeau effect
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- Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 05:39:58 GMT
- Title: Chiral cat state generation via the Sagnac-Fizeau effect
- Authors: Yu-Hong Liu, Xian-Li Yin, Hui Jing, Le-Man Kuang, Jie-Qiao Liao,
- Abstract summary: We propose a proposal for generating chiral cat states in a spinning resonator supporting both the clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) traveling modes.
By choosing proper system parameters, we achieve the separate generation of the Schr"odinger cat states and coherent states in the two traveling modes.
Our work will provide some insights into the development of chiral optical devices and nonreciprocal photonics physics.
- Score: 2.8824133338925932
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- Abstract: The Schr\"{o}dinger cat states are a kind of significant quantum resource in quantum physics and quantum information science. Here we propose a proposal for generating chiral cat states in a spinning resonator supporting both the clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) traveling modes, which are dispersively coupled to a two-level atom. The physical mechanism for the chiral cat-state generation is based on the Sagnac-Fizeau effect. Concretely, when the resonator is rotating, the CW and CCW modes have different frequency detuning with respect to the atomic transition frequency, and hence the atomic-state-dependent rotating angular velocities for the CW and CCW modes in phase space are different. This mode-dependent evolution leads to the chirality in the state generation. By choosing proper system parameters, we achieve the separate generation of the Schr\"{o}dinger cat states and coherent states in the two traveling modes. We also investigate quantum coherence properties of the generated states by examining their Wigner functions. In addition, the influence of the system dissipations on the state generation in the open-system case is investigated. Our work will provide some insights into the development of chiral optical devices and nonreciprocal photonics physics.
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