Quantum cellular automata and categorical duality of spin chains
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.08884v1
- Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 15:00:50 GMT
- Title: Quantum cellular automata and categorical duality of spin chains
- Authors: Corey Jones, Kylan Schatz, Dominic J. Williamson,
- Abstract summary: We study categorical dualities, which are bounded-spread isomorphisms between algebras of symmetry-respecting local operators on a spin chain.
A fundamental question about dualities is whether they can be extended to quantum cellular automata.
We present a solution to the extension problem using the machinery of Doplicher-Haag-Roberts bimodules.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Dualities play a central role in the study of quantum spin chains, providing insight into the structure of quantum phase diagrams and phase transitions. In this work we study categorical dualities, which are defined as bounded-spread isomorphisms between algebras of symmetry-respecting local operators on a spin chain. We consider generalized global symmetries that correspond to unitary fusion categories, which are represented by matrix-product operator algebras. A fundamental question about dualities is whether they can be extended to quantum cellular automata on the larger algebra generated by all local operators that respect the unit matrix-product operator. For conventional global symmetries, which are on-site representations of finite groups, this larger algebra is simply the tensor product of algebras associated to individual spins in the chain. We present a solution to the extension problem using the machinery of Doplicher-Haag-Roberts bimodules. Our solution provides a crisp categorical criterion for when an extension of a duality exists. We show that the set of possible extensions form a torsor over the invertible objects in the relevant symmetry category. Our approach recovers existing results from the literature when applied to quantum cellular automata that respect a conventional global symmetry.
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