Efficient Function Placement in Virtual Networks: An Online Learning Approach
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.13696v1
- Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 16:03:43 GMT
- Title: Efficient Function Placement in Virtual Networks: An Online Learning Approach
- Authors: Wei Huang, Richard Combes, Hind Castel-Taleb, Badii Jouaber,
- Abstract summary: We propose a model for the virtual function placement problem and several novel algorithms using ideas based on multi-armed bandits.
We prove that these algorithms learn the optimal placement policy rapidly, and their regret grows at a rate at most $O( N M sqrtTln T )$ while respecting the feasibility constraints with high probability.
- Score: 7.206295719344847
- License:
- Abstract: We propose a model for the virtual function placement problem and several novel algorithms using ideas based on multi-armed bandits. We prove that these algorithms learn the optimal placement policy rapidly, and their regret grows at a rate at most $O( N M \sqrt{T\ln T} )$ while respecting the feasibility constraints with high probability. We show through numerical experiments that those algorithms both have good practical performance and modest computational complexity. Using the proposed acceleration technique, they can be used to learn in large networks where computational power is limited. Our experiments are fully reproducible, and the code is publicly available.
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