Are BabyLMs Second Language Learners?
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- Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 17:52:15 GMT
- Title: Are BabyLMs Second Language Learners?
- Authors: Lukas Edman, Lisa Bylinina, Faeze Ghorbanpour, Alexander Fraser,
- Abstract summary: This paper describes a linguistically-motivated approach to the 2024 edition of the BabyLM Challenge.
Rather than pursuing a first language learning (L1) paradigm, we approach the challenge from a second language (L2) learning perspective.
- Score: 48.85680614529188
- License:
- Abstract: This paper describes a linguistically-motivated approach to the 2024 edition of the BabyLM Challenge (Warstadt et al. 2023). Rather than pursuing a first language learning (L1) paradigm, we approach the challenge from a second language (L2) learning perspective. In L2 learning, there is a stronger focus on learning explicit linguistic information, such as grammatical notions, definitions of words or different ways of expressing a meaning. This makes L2 learning potentially more efficient and concise. We approximate this using data from Wiktionary, grammar examples either generated by an LLM or sourced from grammar books, and paraphrase data. We find that explicit information about word meaning (in our case, Wiktionary) does not boost model performance, while grammatical information can give a small improvement. The most impactful data ingredient is sentence paraphrases, with our two best models being trained on 1) a mix of paraphrase data and data from the BabyLM pretraining dataset, and 2) exclusively paraphrase data.
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