Stable Matching with Ties: Approximation Ratios and Learning
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- Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:14:46 GMT
- Title: Stable Matching with Ties: Approximation Ratios and Learning
- Authors: Shiyun Lin, Simon Mauras, Nadav Merlis, Vianney Perchet,
- Abstract summary: We study the problem of matching markets with ties, where one side of the market does not necessarily have strict preferences over members at its other side.
We aim to guarantee each worker the largest possible share from the utility in her best possible stable matching.
- Score: 20.84610303094647
- License:
- Abstract: We study the problem of matching markets with ties, where one side of the market does not necessarily have strict preferences over members at its other side. For example, workers do not always have strict preferences over jobs, students can give the same ranking for different schools and more. In particular, assume w.l.o.g. that workers' preferences are determined by their utility from being matched to each job, which might admit ties. Notably, in contrast to classical two-sided markets with strict preferences, there is no longer a single stable matching that simultaneously maximizes the utility for all workers. We aim to guarantee each worker the largest possible share from the utility in her best possible stable matching. We call the ratio between the worker's best possible stable utility and its assigned utility the \emph{Optimal Stable Share} (OSS)-ratio. We first prove that distributions over stable matchings cannot guarantee an OSS-ratio that is sublinear in the number of workers. Instead, randomizing over possibly non-stable matchings, we show how to achieve a tight logarithmic OSS-ratio. Then, we analyze the case where the real utility is not necessarily known and can only be approximated. In particular, we provide an algorithm that guarantees a similar fraction of the utility compared to the best possible utility. Finally, we move to a bandit setting, where we select a matching at each round and only observe the utilities for matches we perform. We show how to utilize our results for approximate utilities to gracefully interpolate between problems without ties and problems with statistical ties (small suboptimality gaps).
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