Non-classicality induces recombination in high-harmonic generation with circularly polarized fields
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- Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 11:19:44 GMT
- Title: Non-classicality induces recombination in high-harmonic generation with circularly polarized fields
- Authors: J. Rivera-Dean, P. Stammer, M. F. Ciappina, M. Lewenstein,
- Abstract summary: High-harmonic generation (HHG) is a process in which a strong driving field interacts with a material, resulting in the frequency up-conversion of the driver into its high-order harmonics.
We demonstrate that the use of non-classical structured light enables HHG in this otherwise prohibitive configuration for classical drivers.
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- Abstract: High-harmonic generation (HHG) is a nonlinear process in which a strong driving field interacts with a material, resulting in the frequency up-conversion of the driver into its high-order harmonics. This process is highly sensitive to the field's polarization: circular polarization, for instance, inhibits HHG. In this work, we demonstrate that the use of non-classical structured light enables HHG in this otherwise prohibitive configuration for classical drivers. In particular, we consider circularly polarized light with non-classical fluctuations, introduced via squeezing along one polarization direction, and show that the spectral properties of the emitted harmonics vary depending on the type of squeezing applied. Additionally, we examine the electron dynamics during HHG, revealing that non-classical fluctuations act as an effective force that guides the electron trajectories toward recombination. This approach opens new pathways for integrating quantum optics in HHG, providing novel means of controlling the light-matter interaction dynamics.
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