Safe and Efficient Online Convex Optimization with Linear Budget Constraints and Partial Feedback
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- Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2024 08:58:41 GMT
- Title: Safe and Efficient Online Convex Optimization with Linear Budget Constraints and Partial Feedback
- Authors: Shanqi Liu, Xin Liu,
- Abstract summary: This paper studies online convex optimization with unknown linear budget constraints.
We propose a safe and efficient Lyapunov-optimization algorithm (SELO) that can achieve an $O(sqrtT)$ regret and zero cumulative constraint violation.
- Score: 3.5554907645160605
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- Abstract: This paper studies online convex optimization with unknown linear budget constraints, where only the gradient information of the objective and the bandit feedback of constraint functions are observed. We propose a safe and efficient Lyapunov-optimization algorithm (SELO) that can achieve an $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret and zero cumulative constraint violation. The result also implies SELO achieves $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret when the budget is hard and not allowed to be violated. The proposed algorithm is computationally efficient as it resembles a primal-dual algorithm where the primal problem is an unconstrained, strongly convex and smooth problem, and the dual problem has a simple gradient-type update. The algorithm and theory are further justified in a simulated application of energy-efficient task processing in distributed data centers.
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