Joint Models for Handling Non-Ignorable Missing Data using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees: Application to Leaf Photosynthetic Traits Data
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- Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 15:26:55 GMT
- Title: Joint Models for Handling Non-Ignorable Missing Data using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees: Application to Leaf Photosynthetic Traits Data
- Authors: Yong Chen Goh, Wuu Kuang Soh, Andrew C. Parnell, Keefe Murphy,
- Abstract summary: Dealing with missing data poses significant challenges in predictive analysis.
In cases where the data are missing not at random, jointly modeling the data and missing data indicators is essential.
We propose two methods under a selection model framework for handling data with missingness.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Dealing with missing data poses significant challenges in predictive analysis, often leading to biased conclusions when oversimplified assumptions about the missing data process are made. In cases where the data are missing not at random (MNAR), jointly modeling the data and missing data indicators is essential. Motivated by a real data application with partially missing multivariate outcomes related to leaf photosynthetic traits and several environmental covariates, we propose two methods under a selection model framework for handling data with missingness in the response variables suitable for recovering various missingness mechanisms. Both approaches use a multivariate extension of Bayesian additive regression trees (BART) to flexibly model the outcomes. The first approach simultaneously uses a probit regression model to jointly model the missingness. In scenarios where the relationship between the missingness and the data is more complex or non-linear, we propose a second approach using a probit BART model to characterize the missing data process, thereby employing two BART models simultaneously. Both models also effectively handle ignorable covariate missingness. The efficacy of both models compared to existing missing data approaches is demonstrated through extensive simulations, in both univariate and multivariate settings, and through the aforementioned application to the leaf photosynthetic trait data.
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