Interact with me: Joint Egocentric Forecasting of Intent to Interact, Attitude and Social Actions
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:54:28 GMT
- Title: Interact with me: Joint Egocentric Forecasting of Intent to Interact, Attitude and Social Actions
- Authors: Tongfei Bian, Yiming Ma, Mathieu Chollet, Victor Sanchez, Tanaya Guha,
- Abstract summary: SocialEgoNet is a graph-based framework that exploits task dependencies through a hierarchical learning approach.
SocialEgoNet uses body skeletons (keypoints from face, hands and body) extracted from only 1 second of video input for high inference speed.
For evaluation, we augment an existing egocentric human-agent interaction with new class labels and bounding box annotations.
- Score: 25.464036307823974
- License:
- Abstract: For efficient human-agent interaction, an agent should proactively recognize their target user and prepare for upcoming interactions. We formulate this challenging problem as the novel task of jointly forecasting a person's intent to interact with the agent, their attitude towards the agent and the action they will perform, from the agent's (egocentric) perspective. So we propose \emph{SocialEgoNet} - a graph-based spatiotemporal framework that exploits task dependencies through a hierarchical multitask learning approach. SocialEgoNet uses whole-body skeletons (keypoints from face, hands and body) extracted from only 1 second of video input for high inference speed. For evaluation, we augment an existing egocentric human-agent interaction dataset with new class labels and bounding box annotations. Extensive experiments on this augmented dataset, named JPL-Social, demonstrate \emph{real-time} inference and superior performance (average accuracy across all tasks: 83.15\%) of our model outperforming several competitive baselines. The additional annotations and code will be available upon acceptance.
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