Active Learning with Variational Quantum Circuits for Quantum Process Tomography
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- Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 13:12:56 GMT
- Title: Active Learning with Variational Quantum Circuits for Quantum Process Tomography
- Authors: Jiaqi Yang, Xiaohua Xu, Wei Xie,
- Abstract summary: We propose a framework for active learning (AL) to adaptively select a set of informative quantum states that improves the reconstruction most efficiently.
We design and evaluate three types of AL algorithms: committee-based, uncertainty-based, and diversity-based.
Results demonstrate that our algorithms achieve significantly improved reconstruction compared to the baseline method that selects a set of quantum states randomly.
- Score: 6.842224049271109
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- Abstract: Quantum process tomography (QPT), used for reconstruction of an unknown quantum process from measurement data, is a fundamental tool for the diagnostic and full characterization of quantum systems. It relies on querying a set of quantum states as input to the quantum process. Previous works commonly use a straightforward strategy to select a set of quantum states randomly, overlooking differences in informativeness among quantum states. Since querying the quantum system requires multiple experiments that can be prohibitively costly, it is always the case that there are not enough quantum states for high-quality reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a general framework for active learning (AL) to adaptively select a set of informative quantum states that improves the reconstruction most efficiently. In particular, we introduce a learning framework that leverages the widely-used variational quantum circuits (VQCs) to perform the QPT task and integrate our AL algorithms into the query step. We design and evaluate three various types of AL algorithms: committee-based, uncertainty-based, and diversity-based, each exhibiting distinct advantages in terms of performance and computational cost. Additionally, we provide a guideline for selecting algorithms suitable for different scenarios. Numerical results demonstrate that our algorithms achieve significantly improved reconstruction compared to the baseline method that selects a set of quantum states randomly. Moreover, these results suggest that active learning based approaches are applicable to other complicated learning tasks in large-scale quantum information processing.
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