Decoherence dynamics in a polaron system with collective dephasing
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- Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2024 09:10:30 GMT
- Title: Decoherence dynamics in a polaron system with collective dephasing
- Authors: Saima Bashir, Muzaffar Qadir Lone, Prince A Ganai,
- Abstract summary: The present work delves into decoherence dynamics of a dressed qubit, represented by a spinless fermion hopping between two lattice sites.
To simplify calculations under strong coupling, we adopt the Lang-Firsov transformation.
We demonstrate that coherence persists for small $s$ values but diminishes for larger ones.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Within quantum information frameworks, managing decoherence stands as a pivotal task. The present work delves into decoherence dynamics of a dressed qubit, represented by a spinless fermion hopping between two lattice sites that are strongly coupled to a collective bosonic bath. To simplify calculations under strong coupling, we adopt the Lang-Firsov transformation, effectively minimizing system-bath interactions. Within the polaron perspective using Ohmic bath spectral density with a Gaussian cutoff, we identify a fundamental timescale $s$ (equivalently a length scale $l$), dictating coherence decay. Utilizing a quantum master equation in the energy eigen basis while maintaining fixed particle number, we demonstrate that coherence persists for small $s$ values but diminishes for larger ones. Additionally, we explore the utilization of $\pi$-pulses to manipulate decoherence within the system.
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