Adapting Beyond the Depth Limit: Counter Strategies in Large Imperfect Information Games
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- Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2025 16:38:27 GMT
- Title: Adapting Beyond the Depth Limit: Counter Strategies in Large Imperfect Information Games
- Authors: David Milec, Vojtěch Kovařík, Viliam Lisý,
- Abstract summary: We study the problem of adapting to a known sub-rational opponent during online play while remaining robust to rational opponents.
Existing methods assume rational play beyond the depth-limit, which only allows them to adapt a very limited portion of the opponent's behaviour.
We propose an algorithm that uses a strategy-portfolio approach - which we refer to as matrix-valued states - for depth-limited search.
- Score: 4.56754610152086
- License:
- Abstract: We study the problem of adapting to a known sub-rational opponent during online play while remaining robust to rational opponents. We focus on large imperfect-information (zero-sum) games, which makes it impossible to inspect the whole game tree at once and necessitates the use of depth-limited search. However, all existing methods assume rational play beyond the depth-limit, which only allows them to adapt a very limited portion of the opponent's behaviour. We propose an algorithm Adapting Beyond Depth-limit (ABD) that uses a strategy-portfolio approach - which we refer to as matrix-valued states - for depth-limited search. This allows the algorithm to fully utilise all information about the opponent model, making it the first robust-adaptation method to be able to do so in large imperfect-information games. As an additional benefit, the use of matrix-valued states makes the algorithm simpler than traditional methods based on optimal value functions. Our experimental results in poker and battleship show that ABD yields more than a twofold increase in utility when facing opponents who make mistakes beyond the depth limit and also delivers significant improvements in utility and safety against randomly generated opponents.
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