Efficient Algorithm for Sparse Fourier Transform of Generalized q-ary Functions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2501.12365v1
- Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 18:45:09 GMT
- Title: Efficient Algorithm for Sparse Fourier Transform of Generalized q-ary Functions
- Authors: Darin Tsui, Kunal Talreja, Amirali Aghazadeh,
- Abstract summary: We develop GFast, an algorithm that computes the sparse Fourier transform of $f:mathbbZ_qnrightarrow mathbbR$.
GFast explains the predictive interactions of a neural network with $>25%$ smaller normalized mean-squared error compared to existing algorithms.
- Score: 0.3004066195320147
- License:
- Abstract: Computing the Fourier transform of a $q$-ary function $f:\mathbb{Z}_{q}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, which maps $q$-ary sequences to real numbers, is an important problem in mathematics with wide-ranging applications in biology, signal processing, and machine learning. Previous studies have shown that, under the sparsity assumption, the Fourier transform can be computed efficiently using fast and sample-efficient algorithms. However, in many practical settings, the function is defined over a more general space -- the space of generalized $q$-ary sequences $\mathbb{Z}_{q_1} \times \mathbb{Z}_{q_2} \times \cdots \times \mathbb{Z}_{q_n}$ -- where each $\mathbb{Z}_{q_i}$ corresponds to integers modulo $q_i$. A naive approach involves setting $q=\max_i{q_i}$ and treating the function as $q$-ary, which results in heavy computational overheads. Herein, we develop GFast, an algorithm that computes the $S$-sparse Fourier transform of $f$ with a sample complexity of $O(Sn)$, computational complexity of $O(Sn \log N)$, and a failure probability that approaches zero as $N=\prod_{i=1}^n q_i \rightarrow \infty$ with $S = N^\delta$ for some $0 \leq \delta < 1$. In the presence of noise, we further demonstrate that a robust version of GFast computes the transform with a sample complexity of $O(Sn^2)$ and computational complexity of $O(Sn^2 \log N)$ under the same high probability guarantees. Using large-scale synthetic experiments, we demonstrate that GFast computes the sparse Fourier transform of generalized $q$-ary functions using $16\times$ fewer samples and running $8\times$ faster than existing algorithms. In real-world protein fitness datasets, GFast explains the predictive interactions of a neural network with $>25\%$ smaller normalized mean-squared error compared to existing algorithms.
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