Incremental Approximate Single-Source Shortest Paths with Predictions
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- Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 05:06:23 GMT
- Title: Incremental Approximate Single-Source Shortest Paths with Predictions
- Authors: Samuel McCauley, Benjamin Moseley, Aidin Niaparast, Helia Niaparast, Shikha Singh,
- Abstract summary: We study the fundamental data structure problem of maintaining approximate shortest paths in incremental graphs.
We show these techniques immediately extend to the all-pairs shortest-path setting as well.
Our algorithms are consistent (performing nearly as fast as the offline algorithm) when predictions are nearly perfect.
- Score: 10.749658550545238
- License:
- Abstract: The algorithms-with-predictions framework has been used extensively to develop online algorithms with improved beyond-worst-case competitive ratios. Recently, there is growing interest in leveraging predictions for designing data structures with improved beyond-worst-case running times. In this paper, we study the fundamental data structure problem of maintaining approximate shortest paths in incremental graphs in the algorithms-with-predictions model. Given a sequence $\sigma$ of edges that are inserted one at a time, the goal is to maintain approximate shortest paths from the source to each vertex in the graph at each time step. Before any edges arrive, the data structure is given a prediction of the online edge sequence $\hat{\sigma}$ which is used to ``warm start'' its state. As our main result, we design a learned algorithm that maintains $(1+\epsilon)$-approximate single-source shortest paths, which runs in $\tilde{O}(m \eta \log W/\epsilon)$ time, where $W$ is the weight of the heaviest edge and $\eta$ is the prediction error. We show these techniques immediately extend to the all-pairs shortest-path setting as well. Our algorithms are consistent (performing nearly as fast as the offline algorithm) when predictions are nearly perfect, have a smooth degradation in performance with respect to the prediction error and, in the worst case, match the best offline algorithm up to logarithmic factors. As a building block, we study the offline incremental approximate single-source shortest-paths problem. In this problem, the edge sequence $\sigma$ is known a priori and the goal is to efficiently return the length of the shortest paths in the intermediate graph $G_t$ consisting of the first $t$ edges, for all $t$. Note that the offline incremental problem is defined in the worst-case setting (without predictions) and is of independent interest.
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