Learning to Encode and Classify Test Executions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.02444v2
- Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 13:48:20 GMT
- Title: Learning to Encode and Classify Test Executions
- Authors: Foivos Tsimpourlas, Ajitha Rajan, Miltiadis Allamanis
- Abstract summary: The goal in this paper is to solve the test oracle problem in a way that is general, scalable and accurate.
We label a small fraction of the execution traces with their verdict of pass or fail.
We use labelled traces to train a neural network (NN) model to learn to distinguish runtime patterns for passing versus failing executions.
- Score: 14.67675979776677
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: The challenge of automatically determining the correctness of test executions
is referred to as the test oracle problem and is one of the key remaining
issues for automated testing. The goal in this paper is to solve the test
oracle problem in a way that is general, scalable and accurate. To achieve
this, we use supervised learning over test execution traces. We label a small
fraction of the execution traces with their verdict of pass or fail. We use the
labelled traces to train a neural network (NN) model to learn to distinguish
runtime patterns for passing versus failing executions for a given program. Our
approach for building this NN model involves the following steps, 1. Instrument
the program to record execution traces as sequences of method invocations and
global state, 2. Label a small fraction of the execution traces with their
verdicts, 3. Designing a NN component that embeds information in execution
traces to fixed length vectors, 4. Design a NN model that uses the trace
information for classification, 5. Evaluate the inferred classification model
on unseen execution traces from the program.
We evaluate our approach using case studies from different application
domains: 1. Module from Ethereum Blockchain, 2. Module from PyTorch deep
learning framework, 3. Microsoft SEAL encryption library components, 4. Sed
stream editor, 5. Value pointer library and 6. Nine network protocols from
Linux packet identifier, L7-Filter. We found the classification models for all
subject programs resulted in high precision, recall and specificity, over 95%,
while only training with an average 9% of the total traces. Our experiments
show that the proposed neural network model is highly effective as a test
oracle and is able to learn runtime patterns to distinguish passing and failing
test executions for systems and tests from different application domains.
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