Learning Generative Models using Denoising Density Estimators
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.02728v2
- Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2020 21:26:44 GMT
- Title: Learning Generative Models using Denoising Density Estimators
- Authors: Siavash A. Bigdeli, Geng Lin, Tiziano Portenier, L. Andrea Dunbar,
Matthias Zwicker
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new generative model based on denoising density estimators (DDEs)
Our main contribution is a novel technique to obtain generative models by minimizing the KL-divergence directly.
Experimental results demonstrate substantial improvement in density estimation and competitive performance in generative model training.
- Score: 29.068491722778827
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Learning probabilistic models that can estimate the density of a given set of
samples, and generate samples from that density, is one of the fundamental
challenges in unsupervised machine learning. We introduce a new generative
model based on denoising density estimators (DDEs), which are scalar functions
parameterized by neural networks, that are efficiently trained to represent
kernel density estimators of the data. Leveraging DDEs, our main contribution
is a novel technique to obtain generative models by minimizing the
KL-divergence directly. We prove that our algorithm for obtaining generative
models is guaranteed to converge to the correct solution. Our approach does not
require specific network architecture as in normalizing flows, nor use ordinary
differential equation solvers as in continuous normalizing flows. Experimental
results demonstrate substantial improvement in density estimation and
competitive performance in generative model training.
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