Transferability of Adversarial Examples to Attack Cloud-based Image
Classifier Service
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 02:07:37 GMT
- Title: Transferability of Adversarial Examples to Attack Cloud-based Image
Classifier Service
- Authors: Dou Goodman
- Abstract summary: This paper focuses on studying the security of real-world cloud-based image classification services.
We propose a novel attack method, Fast Featuremap Loss PGD (FFL-PGD) attack based on Substitution model.
We demonstrate that FFL-PGD attack has a success rate over 90% among different classification services.
- Score: 0.6526824510982799
- License:
- Abstract: In recent years, Deep Learning(DL) techniques have been extensively deployed
for computer vision tasks, particularly visual classification problems, where
new algorithms reported to achieve or even surpass the human performance. While
many recent works demonstrated that DL models are vulnerable to adversarial
examples. Fortunately, generating adversarial examples usually requires
white-box access to the victim model, and real-world cloud-based image
classification services are more complex than white-box classifier,the
architecture and parameters of DL models on cloud platforms cannot be obtained
by the attacker. The attacker can only access the APIs opened by cloud
platforms. Thus, keeping models in the cloud can usually give a (false) sense
of security. In this paper, we mainly focus on studying the security of
real-world cloud-based image classification services. Specifically, (1) We
propose a novel attack method, Fast Featuremap Loss PGD (FFL-PGD) attack based
on Substitution model, which achieves a high bypass rate with a very limited
number of queries. Instead of millions of queries in previous studies, our
method finds the adversarial examples using only two queries per image; and (2)
we make the first attempt to conduct an extensive empirical study of black-box
attacks against real-world cloud-based classification services. Through
evaluations on four popular cloud platforms including Amazon, Google,
Microsoft, Clarifai, we demonstrate that FFL-PGD attack has a success rate over
90\% among different classification services. (3) We discuss the possible
defenses to address these security challenges in cloud-based classification
services. Our defense technology is mainly divided into model training stage
and image preprocessing stage.
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