HistomicsML2.0: Fast interactive machine learning for whole slide
imaging data
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.11547v1
- Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 20:10:26 GMT
- Title: HistomicsML2.0: Fast interactive machine learning for whole slide
imaging data
- Authors: Sanghoon Lee, Mohamed Amgad, Deepak R. Chittajallu, Matt McCormick,
Brian P Pollack, Habiba Elfandy, Hagar Hussein, David A Gutman, Lee AD Cooper
- Abstract summary: HistomicsML2.0 enables rapid learn-by-example training of machine learning classifiers for detection of histologic patterns in whole-slide imaging datasets.
HistomicsML2.0 uses convolutional networks to be readily adaptable to a variety of applications, provides a web-based user interface, and is available as a software container to simplify deployment.
- Score: 6.396738205632676
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Extracting quantitative phenotypic information from whole-slide images
presents significant challenges for investigators who are not experienced in
developing image analysis algorithms. We present new software that enables
rapid learn-by-example training of machine learning classifiers for detection
of histologic patterns in whole-slide imaging datasets. HistomicsML2.0 uses
convolutional networks to be readily adaptable to a variety of applications,
provides a web-based user interface, and is available as a software container
to simplify deployment.
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