Coordination without communication: optimal regret in two players
multi-armed bandits
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- Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 19:11:02 GMT
- Title: Coordination without communication: optimal regret in two players
multi-armed bandits
- Authors: S\'ebastien Bubeck and Thomas Budzinski
- Abstract summary: We consider two agents playing simultaneously the same three-armed bandit problem.
We propose a strategy with no collisions at all between the players.
We also argue that the extra logarithmic term $sqrtlog(T)$ should be necessary by proving a lower bound for a full information variant of the problem.
- Score: 1.6752182911522522
- License:
- Abstract: We consider two agents playing simultaneously the same stochastic three-armed
bandit problem. The two agents are cooperating but they cannot communicate. We
propose a strategy with no collisions at all between the players (with very
high probability), and with near-optimal regret $O(\sqrt{T \log(T)})$. We also
argue that the extra logarithmic term $\sqrt{\log(T)}$ should be necessary by
proving a lower bound for a full information variant of the problem.
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