Estimating Q(s,s') with Deep Deterministic Dynamics Gradients
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- Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 18:13:00 GMT
- Title: Estimating Q(s,s') with Deep Deterministic Dynamics Gradients
- Authors: Ashley D. Edwards, Himanshu Sahni, Rosanne Liu, Jane Hung, Ankit Jain,
Rui Wang, Adrien Ecoffet, Thomas Miconi, Charles Isbell, Jason Yosinski
- Abstract summary: We introduce a novel form of value function, $Q(s, s')$, that expresses the utility of transitioning from a state $s$ to a neighboring state $s'$.
In order to derive an optimal policy, we develop a forward dynamics model that learns to make next-state predictions that maximize this value.
- Score: 25.200259376015744
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel form of value function, $Q(s, s')$, that
expresses the utility of transitioning from a state $s$ to a neighboring state
$s'$ and then acting optimally thereafter. In order to derive an optimal
policy, we develop a forward dynamics model that learns to make next-state
predictions that maximize this value. This formulation decouples actions from
values while still learning off-policy. We highlight the benefits of this
approach in terms of value function transfer, learning within redundant action
spaces, and learning off-policy from state observations generated by
sub-optimal or completely random policies. Code and videos are available at
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