論文の概要: SURF: A Simple, Universal, Robust, Fast Distribution Learning Algorithm
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09589v2
- Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 19:10:43 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-12-29 19:18:32.026247
- Title: SURF: A Simple, Universal, Robust, Fast Distribution Learning Algorithm
- Title(参考訳): SURF: シンプルで普遍的でロバストで高速な分布学習アルゴリズム
- Authors: Yi Hao, Ayush Jain, Alon Orlitsky, Vaishakh Ravindrakumar
- Abstract要約: SURFは分布を断片的に近似するアルゴリズムである。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 64.13217062232874
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Sample- and computationally-efficient distribution estimation is a
fundamental tenet in statistics and machine learning. We present SURF, an
algorithm for approximating distributions by piecewise polynomials. SURF is:
simple, replacing prior complex optimization techniques by straight-forward
{empirical probability} approximation of each potential polynomial piece
{through simple empirical-probability interpolation}, and using plain
divide-and-conquer to merge the pieces; universal, as well-known
polynomial-approximation results imply that it accurately approximates a large
class of common distributions; robust to distribution mis-specification as for
any degree $d \le 8$, it estimates any distribution to an $\ell_1$ distance $<
3$ times that of the nearest degree-$d$ piecewise polynomial, improving known
factor upper bounds of 3 for single polynomials and 15 for polynomials with
arbitrarily many pieces; fast, using optimal sample complexity, running in near
sample-linear time, and if given sorted samples it may be parallelized to run
in sub-linear time. In experiments, SURF outperforms state-of-the art
- Abstract(参考訳): サンプルおよび計算効率の分布推定は統計学と機械学習の基本的な要素である。
分割多項式による分布の近似アルゴリズム SURF を提案する。
SURF is: simple, replacing prior complex optimization techniques by straight-forward {empirical probability} approximation of each potential polynomial piece {through simple empirical-probability interpolation}, and using plain divide-and-conquer to merge the pieces; universal, as well-known polynomial-approximation results imply that it accurately approximates a large class of common distributions; robust to distribution mis-specification as for any degree $d \le 8$, it estimates any distribution to an $\ell_1$ distance $< 3$ times that of the nearest degree-$d$ piecewise polynomial, improving known factor upper bounds of 3 for single polynomials and 15 for polynomials with arbitrarily many pieces; fast, using optimal sample complexity, running in near sample-linear time, and if given sorted samples it may be parallelized to run in sub-linear time.
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