論文の概要: Linear-Sample Learning of Low-Rank Distributions
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.00064v1
- Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 19:10:32 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-10-12 23:27:42.321540
- Title: Linear-Sample Learning of Low-Rank Distributions
- Title(参考訳): 低ランク分布の線形サンプル学習
- Authors: Ayush Jain, Alon Orlitsky
- Abstract要約: ktimes k$, rank-r$, matrices to normalized $L_1$ distance requires $Omega(frackrepsilon2)$ sample。
我々は、$cal O(frackrepsilon2log2fracepsilon)$ sample, a number linear in the high dimension, and almost linear in the matrices, usually low, rank proofs.というアルゴリズムを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 56.59844655107251
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Many latent-variable applications, including community detection,
collaborative filtering, genomic analysis, and NLP, model data as generated by
low-rank matrices. Yet despite considerable research, except for very special
cases, the number of samples required to efficiently recover the underlying
matrices has not been known. We determine the onset of learning in several
common latent-variable settings. For all of them, we show that learning
$k\times k$, rank-$r$, matrices to normalized $L_{1}$ distance $\epsilon$
requires $\Omega(\frac{kr}{\epsilon^2})$ samples, and propose an algorithm that
uses ${\cal O}(\frac{kr}{\epsilon^2}\log^2\frac r\epsilon)$ samples, a number
linear in the high dimension, and nearly linear in the, typically low, rank.
The algorithm improves on existing spectral techniques and runs in polynomial
time. The proofs establish new results on the rapid convergence of the spectral
distance between the model and observation matrices, and may be of independent
- Abstract(参考訳): コミュニティ検出、コラボレーティブフィルタリング、ゲノム解析、NLPなど、多くの潜在変数アプリケーションは、低ランク行列によって生成されたモデルデータである。
それらすべてについて、$k\times k$, rank-$r$, matrices to normalized $l_{1}$ distance $\epsilon$ requires $\omega(\frac{kr}{\epsilon^2})$ sample を学習し、${\cal o}(\frac{kr}{\epsilon^2}\log^2\frac r\epsilon)$ sample, a number linear in the high dimension, but almost linear in the low, rank を用いるアルゴリズムを提案する。
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我々の認証アルゴリズムは, Sum-of-Squares階層を必須に活用する。
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