SilhoNet-Fisheye: Adaptation of A ROI Based Object Pose Estimation
Network to Monocular Fisheye Images
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 19:57:33 GMT
- Title: SilhoNet-Fisheye: Adaptation of A ROI Based Object Pose Estimation
Network to Monocular Fisheye Images
- Authors: Gideon Billings, Matthew Johnson-Roberson
- Abstract summary: We present a novel framework for adapting a ROI-based 6D object pose estimation method to work on full fisheye images.
We also contribute a fisheye image dataset, called UWHandles, with 6D object pose and 2D bounding box annotations.
- Score: 15.573003283204958
- License:
- Abstract: There has been much recent interest in deep learning methods for monocular
image based object pose estimation. While object pose estimation is an
important problem for autonomous robot interaction with the physical world, and
the application space for monocular-based methods is expansive, there has been
little work on applying these methods with fisheye imaging systems. Also,
little exists in the way of annotated fisheye image datasets on which these
methods can be developed and tested. The research landscape is even more sparse
for object detection methods applied in the underwater domain, fisheye image
based or otherwise. In this work, we present a novel framework for adapting a
ROI-based 6D object pose estimation method to work on full fisheye images. The
method incorporates the gnomic projection of regions of interest from an
intermediate spherical image representation to correct for the fisheye
distortions. Further, we contribute a fisheye image dataset, called UWHandles,
collected in natural underwater environments, with 6D object pose and 2D
bounding box annotations.
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