Resilience of the superradiant phase against $\mathbf {A^2}$ effects in
the quantum Rabi dimer
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- Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 04:14:13 GMT
- Title: Resilience of the superradiant phase against $\mathbf {A^2}$ effects in
the quantum Rabi dimer
- Authors: Yimin Wang, Maoxin Liu, Wen-Long You, Stefano Chesi, Hong-Gang Luo,
and Hai-Qing Lin
- Abstract summary: We study the quantum criticality of a two-site model combining quantum Rabi models with hopping interaction.
We find that the model allows the appearance of a superradiant quantum phase transition (QPT) even in the presence of strong $mathbfA2$ terms.
Our work provides a way to the study of phase transitions in presence of the $mathbfA2$ terms and offers the prospect of investigating quantum-criticality physics and quantum devices in many-body systems.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We explore the quantum criticality of a two-site model combining quantum Rabi
models with hopping interaction. Through a combination of analytical and
numerical approaches, we find that the model allows the appearance of a
superradiant quantum phase transition (QPT) even in the presence of strong
$\mathbf{A}^2$ terms, preventing single-site superradiance. In the two-site
model the effect of $\mathbf{A}^2$ terms can be surmounted by the photon
delocalization from hopping, and a reversed superradiant QPT occurs as a
consequence of the competition between $\mathbf{A}^2$ terms and the hopping
interaction. We characterize the phase diagram and scaling functions, and
extract the critical exponents in the vicinity of the critical point, thus
establishing the universal behavior of the second-order phase transition.
Remarkably the effective hopping strength will be enhanced if more cavities are
cascaded. We also prove that the multi-qubit counterpart of the quantum Rabi
dimer, i.e., the Dicke dimer, has the same properties in beating the
$\mathbf{A}^2$ effect. Our work provides a way to the study of phase
transitions in presence of the $\mathbf{A}^2$ terms and offers the prospect of
investigating quantum-criticality physics and quantum devices in many-body
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