Dimensionality Reduction of Movement Primitives in Parameter Space
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.02634v1
- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 16:38:39 GMT
- Title: Dimensionality Reduction of Movement Primitives in Parameter Space
- Authors: Samuele Tosatto, Jonas Stadtmueller, Jan Peters
- Abstract summary: Movement primitives are an important policy class for real-world robotics.
The high dimensionality of their parametrization makes the policy optimization expensive both in terms of samples and computation.
We propose the application of dimensionality reduction in the parameter space, identifying principal movements.
- Score: 34.16700176918835
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Movement primitives are an important policy class for real-world robotics.
However, the high dimensionality of their parametrization makes the policy
optimization expensive both in terms of samples and computation. Enabling an
efficient representation of movement primitives facilitates the application of
machine learning techniques such as reinforcement on robotics. Motions,
especially in highly redundant kinematic structures, exhibit high correlation
in the configuration space. For these reasons, prior work has mainly focused on
the application of dimensionality reduction techniques in the configuration
space. In this paper, we investigate the application of dimensionality
reduction in the parameter space, identifying principal movements. The
resulting approach is enriched with a probabilistic treatment of the
parameters, inheriting all the properties of the Probabilistic Movement
Primitives. We test the proposed technique both on a real robotic task and on a
database of complex human movements. The empirical analysis shows that the
dimensionality reduction in parameter space is more effective than in
configuration space, as it enables the representation of the movements with a
significant reduction of parameters.
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