A Benchmark for Point Clouds Registration Algorithms
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.12841v3
- Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 12:23:52 GMT
- Title: A Benchmark for Point Clouds Registration Algorithms
- Authors: Simone Fontana, Daniele Cattaneo, Augusto Luis Ballardini, Matteo
Vaghi and Domenico Giorgio Sorrenti
- Abstract summary: Point clouds registration is a fundamental step of many point clouds processing pipelines.
Most algorithms are tested on data that are collected ad-hoc and not shared with the research community.
This work aims at encouraging authors to use a public and shared benchmark, instead of data collected ad-hoc.
- Score: 6.667628085623009
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Point clouds registration is a fundamental step of many point clouds
processing pipelines; however, most algorithms are tested on data that are
collected ad-hoc and not shared with the research community. These data often
cover only a very limited set of use cases; therefore, the results cannot be
generalised. Public datasets proposed until now, taken individually, cover only
a few kinds of environment and mostly a single sensor. For these reasons, we
developed a benchmark, for localization and mapping applications, using
multiple publicly available datasets. In this way, we are able to cover many
kinds of environment and many kinds of sensor that can produce point clouds.
Furthermore, the ground truth has been thoroughly inspected and evaluated to
ensure its quality. For some of the datasets, the accuracy of the ground truth
measuring system was not reported by the original authors, therefore we
estimated it with our own novel method, based on an iterative registration
algorithm. Along with the data, we provide a broad set of registration
problems, chosen to cover different types of initial misalignment, various
degrees of overlap, and different kinds of registration problems. Lastly, we
propose a metric to measure the performances of registration algorithms: it
combines the commonly used rotation and translation errors together, to allow
an objective comparison of the alignments. This work aims at encouraging
authors to use a public and shared benchmark, instead of data collected ad-hoc,
to ensure objectivity and repeatability, two fundamental characteristics in any
scientific field.
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