Comparison of Perfect and Quasi Werner States
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- Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020 01:53:10 GMT
- Title: Comparison of Perfect and Quasi Werner States
- Authors: Fatima-Zahra Siyouri (Mohammed V University), Fatima El Azzouzi (Sidi
Mohamed Ben Abdellah University)
- Abstract summary: We investigate comparatively the behaviors of quantum discord and concurrence for Werner states based on two bipartite entangled squeezed states.
The maximally entangled squeezed states are regarded as a perfect-Werner states, while the non-maximally entangled squeezed states are called quasi-Werner states.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this paper, we investigate comparatively the behaviors of quantum discord
and concurrence for Werner states based on two bipartite entangled squeezed
states. The maximally entangled squeezed states are regarded as a
perfect-Werner states, while the non-maximally entangled squeezed states are
called quasi-Werner states. We show that, the behavior of the quantum
correlations keep unchanged for these two types of states. However, the quantum
correlations amount presents in perfect-Werner states is very higher than that
presents in quasi-Werner ones. Furthermore, we show that for large values of
squeezed parameter the quasi-Werner states approaches the perfect-Werner states
qualitatively and quantitatively.
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