Incomplete spontaneous decay in a waveguide caused by polarization
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- Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 15:59:11 GMT
- Title: Incomplete spontaneous decay in a waveguide caused by polarization
- Authors: A. S. Kuraptsev and I. M. Sokolov
- Abstract summary: Spontaneous decay of an excited atom in a waveguide is essentially modified by the spatial structure of vacuum reservoir.
We found out that spontaneous decay can be incomplete, so the time dependence of the excited state populationally approaches to a nonzero value.
Discovered effect is explained by the emergence of the dark state, which is non-decaying due to polarization selection rules.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Spontaneous decay of an excited atom in a waveguide is essentially modified
by the spatial structure of vacuum reservoir. This is particularly exciting in
view of a range of applications for quantum information science. We found out
that spontaneous decay can be incomplete, so the time dependence of the excited
state population asymptotically approaches to a nonzero value, under the
conditions when the atomic transition frequency is larger than the cutoff
frequency of a waveguide and far from the vicinities of the cut-offs.
Discovered effect is explained by the emergence of the dark state, which is
non-decaying due to polarization selection rules. It was revealed for
single-mode waveguide with rectangular cross section both in single-atom case
and diatomic case when the long-range dipole-dipole interaction plays a
significant role.
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