Tensor train rank minimization with nonlocal self-similarity for tensor
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.14273v1
- Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 15:39:39 GMT
- Title: Tensor train rank minimization with nonlocal self-similarity for tensor
- Authors: Meng Ding, Ting-Zhu Huang, Xi-Le Zhao, Michael K. Ng, Tian-Hui Ma
- Abstract summary: tensor train (TT) rank has received increasing attention in tensor completion due to its ability to capture the global correlation of high-order tensors.
For third order visual data, direct TT rank minimization has not exploited the potential of TT rank for high-order tensors.
We propose a TT rank minimization with nonlocal self-similarity for tensor completion by simultaneously exploring the spatial, temporal/spectral, and nonlocal redundancy in visual data.
- Score: 27.727973182796678
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The tensor train (TT) rank has received increasing attention in tensor
completion due to its ability to capture the global correlation of high-order
tensors ($\textrm{order} >3$). For third order visual data, direct TT rank
minimization has not exploited the potential of TT rank for high-order tensors.
The TT rank minimization accompany with \emph{ket augmentation}, which
transforms a lower-order tensor (e.g., visual data) into a higher-order tensor,
suffers from serious block-artifacts. To tackle this issue, we suggest the TT
rank minimization with nonlocal self-similarity for tensor completion by
simultaneously exploring the spatial, temporal/spectral, and nonlocal
redundancy in visual data. More precisely, the TT rank minimization is
performed on a formed higher-order tensor called group by stacking similar
cubes, which naturally and fully takes advantage of the ability of TT rank for
high-order tensors. Moreover, the perturbation analysis for the TT low-rankness
of each group is established. We develop the alternating direction method of
multipliers tailored for the specific structure to solve the proposed model.
Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is superior to
several existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of both qualitative and
quantitative measures.
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