A Mixture of $h-1$ Heads is Better than $h$ Heads
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.06537v1
- Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 19:05:58 GMT
- Title: A Mixture of $h-1$ Heads is Better than $h$ Heads
- Authors: Hao Peng, Roy Schwartz, Dianqi Li, and Noah A. Smith
- Abstract summary: We propose the mixture of attentive experts model (MAE)
Experiments on machine translation and language modeling show that MAE outperforms strong baselines on both tasks.
Our analysis shows that our model learns to specialize different experts to different inputs.
- Score: 63.12336930345417
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Multi-head attentive neural architectures have achieved state-of-the-art
results on a variety of natural language processing tasks. Evidence has shown
that they are overparameterized; attention heads can be pruned without
significant performance loss. In this work, we instead "reallocate" them -- the
model learns to activate different heads on different inputs. Drawing
connections between multi-head attention and mixture of experts, we propose the
mixture of attentive experts model (MAE). MAE is trained using a block
coordinate descent algorithm that alternates between updating (1) the
responsibilities of the experts and (2) their parameters. Experiments on
machine translation and language modeling show that MAE outperforms strong
baselines on both tasks. Particularly, on the WMT14 English to German
translation dataset, MAE improves over "transformer-base" by 0.8 BLEU, with a
comparable number of parameters. Our analysis shows that our model learns to
specialize different experts to different inputs.
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