Reducing a class of two-dimensional integrals to one-dimension with
application to Gaussian Transforms
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 23:40:43 GMT
- Title: Reducing a class of two-dimensional integrals to one-dimension with
application to Gaussian Transforms
- Authors: Jack C. Straton
- Abstract summary: This paper introduces a means to reduce pairs of such integrals to one dimension when the integrand contains powers times an arbitrary function of xy/(x+y) multiplying various combinations of exponentials.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Quantum theory is awash in multidimensional integrals that contain
exponentials in the integration variables, their inverses, and inverse
polynomials of those variables. The present paper introduces a means to reduce
pairs of such integrals to one dimension when the integrand contains powers
times an arbitrary function of xy/(x+y) multiplying various combinations of
exponentials. In some cases these exponentials arise directly from
transition-amplitudes involving products of plane waves, hydrogenic wave
functions, Yukawa and/or Coulomb potentials. In other cases these exponentials
arise from Gaussian transforms of such functions.
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