論文の概要: Proper Learning, Helly Number, and an Optimal SVM Bound
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2005.11818v1
- Date: Sun, 24 May 2020 18:11:57 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-11-29 13:33:21.265519
- Title: Proper Learning, Helly Number, and an Optimal SVM Bound
- Title(参考訳): 優れた学習, ヘリー数, 最適SVM境界
- Authors: Olivier Bousquet, Steve Hanneke, Shay Moran, and Nikita Zhivotovskiy
- Abstract要約: 適切な学習アルゴリズムにより最適なサンプル複雑性を達成できるクラスを特徴付ける。
双対ヘリー数が有界であることと、$epsilon$ と $delta$ に適切な合同依存が存在することを示せる。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 29.35254938542589
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The classical PAC sample complexity bounds are stated for any Empirical Risk
Minimizer (ERM) and contain an extra logarithmic factor $\log(1/{\epsilon})$
which is known to be necessary for ERM in general. It has been recently shown
by Hanneke (2016) that the optimal sample complexity of PAC learning for any VC
class C is achieved by a particular improper learning algorithm, which outputs
a specific majority-vote of hypotheses in C. This leaves the question of when
this bound can be achieved by proper learning algorithms, which are restricted
to always output a hypothesis from C.
In this paper we aim to characterize the classes for which the optimal sample
complexity can be achieved by a proper learning algorithm. We identify that
these classes can be characterized by the dual Helly number, which is a
combinatorial parameter that arises in discrete geometry and abstract
convexity. In particular, under general conditions on C, we show that the dual
Helly number is bounded if and only if there is a proper learner that obtains
the optimal joint dependence on $\epsilon$ and $\delta$.
As further implications of our techniques we resolve a long-standing open
problem posed by Vapnik and Chervonenkis (1974) on the performance of the
Support Vector Machine by proving that the sample complexity of SVM in the
realizable case is $\Theta((n/{\epsilon})+(1/{\epsilon})\log(1/{\delta}))$,
where $n$ is the dimension. This gives the first optimal PAC bound for
Halfspaces achieved by a proper learning algorithm, and moreover is
computationally efficient.
- Abstract(参考訳): 古典的なPACサンプルの複雑性境界は、任意の経験的リスク最小化器(ERM)に対して記述され、一般にERMに必要な対数係数$\log(1/{\epsilon})$を含む。
It has been recently shown by Hanneke (2016) that the optimal sample complexity of PAC learning for any VC class C is achieved by a particular improper learning algorithm, which outputs a specific majority-vote of hypotheses in C. This leaves the question of when this bound can be achieved by proper learning algorithms, which are restricted to always output a hypothesis from C. In this paper we aim to characterize the classes for which the optimal sample complexity can be achieved by a proper learning algorithm.
特に、C 上の一般的な条件下では、双対ヘルリー数が有界であることと、$\epsilon$ と $\delta$ に最適な結合依存を得る適切な学習者が存在することを証明している。
Vapnik と Chervonenkis (1974) による、サポートベクトルマシンの性能に関する長年の未解決問題を、実現可能な場合の SVM のサンプル複雑性が $\Theta((n/{\epsilon})+(1/{\epsilon})\log(1/{\delta})$ であることを証明することによって解決する。
- Projection by Convolution: Optimal Sample Complexity for Reinforcement Learning in Continuous-Space MDPs [56.237917407785545]
本稿では,円滑なベルマン作用素を持つ連続空間マルコフ決定過程(MDP)の一般クラスにおいて,$varepsilon$-optimal Policyを学習する問題を考察する。
我々の結果は、連続空間 MDP における2つの人気と矛盾する視点のギャップを埋めるものである。
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